The objective of the Guardians of the Forest Association is to face the growing commercial, residential, and touristic pressure on nature in our Baja Talamanca region. Created with the vision of maintaining biological connectivity, AsoGuaBo promotes community initiatives working with a large number of individuals and environmental partners, including governmental counterparts. We collaborate with landowners eager to restore their property and minimize negative impacts on the ecosystem, willing to help reinforce and protect biological corridors.

We make an additional effort to reforest and regenerate the web of life where needed and strive to minimize our negative impacts on the ecosystem. Likewise, we undertake all possible measures to ensure that this protection is effective, lasting, and recognized, with integrity, through ethical means, and within the framework of legality.

AsoGuaBo give great importance to environmental education in the area, working with various schools, involving children and their parents. Also workshops and learning opportunities will be offered for adults and the youth. We commit together as a community of shared interests, among neighbors to exert our best efforts to protect the forest, water, soil, plants, and animals.

The idea is to have an organization that promotes solidarity among people who care about nature and are interested in conservation. Through this letter of introduction, we invite partners and individuals interested in environmental issues to join the initiatives developed by AsoGuaBo. We have a detailed membership program that allows individuals interested in our work to support us through their participation or financial donations. AsoGuaBo is in a position to provide technical advice and support to initiate eco-tourism, agro-ecological, and Permaculture projects. AsoGuaBo’s services depend on membership and financial support.
